Tiredness: strategies for increasing attention and concentration

Do you feel overwhelmed by the multitude of tasks you have to carry out every day? Life is moving at a fast pace, and the day seems too short to do everything we set out to do. At the same time, the professional activity and the family life demand our attention and involvement.

Do you have the feeling that your chores are more than you can carry? In this case, you may be experiencing mental fatigue or burnout. It is important to recognize the symptoms and make the necessary lifestyle adjustments.


Symptoms of mental fatigue

Mental fatigue manifests itself both physically and emotionally. Behavioral changes may also occur. But the events are different, depending on each person.


Emotional symptoms:

• Depression;

• Anxiety;

• Pessimism;

• Apathy;

• Anger;

• Feeling of powerlessness;

• Lack of motivation;

• Decrease in productivity;

• Concentration difficulties.


Physical symptoms:

• Headaches;

• Gastric discomfort;

• Chronic fatigue;

• Changes in appetite;

• Insomnia;

• Weight gain or decrease;

• Frequent colds.


Behavioral symptoms:

• Poor performance at work;

• Social isolation;

• Inability to meet personal or professional commitments.


What are the solutions to diminish these manifestations? It may be about certain changes you have to make. Find out what can help you recover your energy and joy.


Eliminate the stress factor or take a break

Resigning or leaving all household tasks on hold is not an option, but you can ask for help. Delegate what is possible and postpone everything that is not urgent. Ask a colleague to support you, talk to your supervisor to negotiate deadlines or get rid of some tasks. At home, call other family members for help with child care, housekeeping or food preparation.

A break is also very welcome. Make a list of all your home and office duties, then prioritize. See what can be postponed or delegated. Use the time you have thus spent to rest and recharge your batteries. Detach by choosing to go on a vacation that will keep you away from domestic or professional engagements.


Get moving

Mental fatigue can make you believe that your body is also exhausted. Even if you experience these sensations, try to exercise even for a short while. If the gym or jogging are not for you, try to walk at a higher pace in the park. Exercising has many benefits for both physical and emotional health:

• contributes to reducing the stress level;

• helps to reduce anxiety;

• improves mood and brings a smile on your face;

• supports the immune system.


Practice relaxation techniques

Give yourself some moments of peace and detachment from the tasks that overwhelm you, practicing relaxationtechniques. These are beneficial for reducing stress and anxiety.

Try meditation, practice yoga or tai chi, do breathing exercises, go for a massage, listen to relaxing music or enjoy an aromatherapy session in your own home.


Adopt a healthy diet

Food is fuel for the body. Cleaning and adding more structure to your diet will help you enjoy a higher level of energy.

• Reduce the consumption of caffeine, energy drinks and foods high in sugar, which have a rapid and short term effect.

• Choose fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables.

• Ensure your protein intake from lean meat, such as turkey, chicken or fish.

• Raw nuts and seeds are excellent sources of healthy fats, necessary for the proper functioning of the brain.

• Drink plenty of water.


Take a supplement for attention and concentration

There are nutrients that support brain functions, but it is difficult to provide the body with the optimal amount only through diet, especially during busy when its needs increase.

UnoCardio® Active Mind combines the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids with those of B vitamins B group, vitamin D3, selenium, lutein and ginseng, in a formula that helps maintain concentration, cognitive functions, vision and reduce fatigue.

  • Omega 3. EPA and DHA fatty acids help maintain optimal brain function, support the immune system and normal functioning of the nervous system.
  • Vitamins B. Maintain good mood, physical and mental performance, prevent depression and memory disorders, are useful in learning and memory processes, but also in treating migraines.
  • Vitamin D3. It contributes to maintaining the health of the bone and muscle system, to the normal functioning of the immune system and to the neuro-muscular coordination.
  • Selenium. It positively influences the cognitive function and the emotional state. Selenium deficiency is associated with anxiety and depressive states.
  • Lutein (FloraGLO®). Natural antioxidant very important for maintaining a healthy view, lutein decreases the risk of macular degeneration, the main cause of blindness caused by aging.
  • Ginseng. Helps support memory, attention and concentration power, contributes to maintaining mental health, is useful in treating mental disorders.


The nutraceutical is ideal for anyone who has significant intellectual activity on a daily basis - from high school pupils, students, young people who work in front of a computer or have a profession that requires attention and continuous concentration, up to the elderly who want to expand their knowledge and keep their minds sharp despite age.

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