What supplements complete your child's nutrition efficiently?

As much as we would like, the nutrition of our children is often far from ideal. We cannot convince them to consume enough vegetables and fruits, some less healthy snacks sneak in when we cannot keep an eye on  them, and we make a lot of compromises when they refuse to eat what we offer them, all of these while we are trying to maintain a healthy balance.

The nutritionists’ advice is to get kids used to healthy foods while they are still very young, using our own example first. A child who will see fruits instead of commercial sweets from the first years of his life, vegetables eaten as snacks between meals or water instead of carbonated juices, will build his preferences according to these options.

Until the age of 3 or 4 years old, the children’s body is in full growth, and the doctors recommend that the nutrition should be the main nutrient provider - first the mother's milk, then the foods are gradually introduced in their diet, according to the diversification scheme and the process of digestive system development. After this age, parents can begin to supplement the child's diet with formulas specifically tailored to meet the little one’s needs, especially during the periods when the immune system, the memory or the attention are submitted to more stressful situations (e.g. in the cold season, during tests and exams periods, when the school starts, etc.).

Just like the adults, the little ones need an optimal development of the whole range of vitamins and minerals involved in the essential functions of the body: calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, vitamin B, vitamin C, etc. But there are a number of nutrients that we often overlook, without realizing how important they are to the optimal development of the little ones. These 4 essential nutrients are included in the QuattrO3+PS nutraceutical complex, an intensely studied and optimized formula that supports the health of the children’s entire body.

Omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acids come mainly from quality fish, and we all know that fish is one of the most difficult foods to integrate in the children’s menu, especially because of its taste. Thus, many children do not consume enough fish and do not get the optimal amount of Omega 3. Depending on their age, children need an intake of about 1000 mg of Omega 3 per day. Fatty acids play an essential role in many of the body's functions, and in the case of the young children, they are involved in:

- The development of the brain and the neurological functions, including memory and attention;

- The development and the maintaining of a healthy vision;

- Supporting the immunity system (there are studies that confirm that Omega 3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of allergies);

-  The protection of the skin from harmful factors and UV radiation.

Pediatricians and nutritionists recommend us to pay more attention to the followings, when choosing a food supplement that contains Omega 3:

  • The source of the Omega 3 extraction: it is preferable to choose the fish oil that comes from small deep-sea fishes, because they have been exposed to lower levels of heavy metals, thus the resulting oil is less contaminated with mercury.
  • How the oil is purified, in order to remove the toxins and extract a pure form of Omega 3.
  • The way the capsules are produced, in order to avoid allergens and the unpleasant fish taste (choose supplements with pleasant natural flavors).
  • Soft capsules are preferred, because they can be broken and mixed into the baby's food, if the baby cannot swallow them.
  • Look for a formula that combines Omega 3 from fish oil with other important nutrients, to get as many benefits as possible in a single capsule.
  • We are particularly interested in the intake of DHA and EPA, some of the most important forms of Omega 3 fatty acids. QuattrO3+PS contains 300 mg EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and 204 mg DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) in a single capsule.

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D is essential for the optimal development of the children’s musculoskeletal system. This vitamin regulates the levels of calcium and phosphorus in the body, the indispensable nutrients for healthy muscles, teeth and bones. Vitamin D deficiency can cause bone deformation even in the case of children under the age of 5, when the bone system builds the “bases” for the entire life, in which case it is recommended the vitamin D supplementation throughout the year. 

Generally, children should receive Vitamin D supplements throughout the cold season, because this nutrient is synthesized by the body only in the presence of the sun. In winter, sun exposure is reduced and many children suffer from a vitamin D deficiency, usually not observed by the parents.


Phosphatidylserine, extracted from sunflower oil, is a lesser known nutrient. This phospholipid is a key component of the brain and spinal cord, and it is found in many cell membranes. Researchers call it the "brain nutrient", and rightly so, because studies in the recent years have proven its effects in improving the various cognitive developmental parameters among children.

In addition to this, phosphatidylserine supports the glucose metabolism, without which the brain cannot function, and stimulates the secretion of the dopamine hormone, which also has the role of balancing the mental state (attention, motivation, reduces the risk of depression). QuattrO3+PS contains 40 mg of phosphatidylserine extracted from sunflower oil.

Gamma linoleic acid

Last but not the least, gamma linoleic acid, a form of Omega 6 fatty acids, is found especially in primrose oil. Many doctors recommend this nutrient in combination with Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Gamma linoleic acid (GLA) is converted by the body into substances that reduce inflammation, and also slows the process of accelerated cellular multiplication.

Along with phosphatidylserine and Omega 3, GLA can reduce the nervousness and impulsivity of children, and improve their concentration and attention. This combination of nutrients has proven to be effective even in children with attention deficit disorder (ADHD) or depression.

Find out more about QuattrO3+PS here and give your child this extra nutritional supplement for at least 3 months, in order to ensure him a stronger immune system, better school outcomes, and more appetite for life, in order to discover the entire world. 

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